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Nittaku Fastarc G1 P1 C1 S1 Z2 High Quality Table Tennis Rubber Ping Pong Sport Butterfly Donic Dhs xiom

RM 129.50
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Nittaku Fastarc series - Introduction
The Fastarc rubbers are Nittaku's flagship series
and come in four different flavors, i.e., C-1, G-1, P1,
and S-1. These "Made in Germany" rubbers have
been around for a couple of years and were added
to the official List of Approved Racket Coverings
(LARC) in 2010 (G-1 and S-1), 2012 (C-1), and 2014
(P-1). Nittaku markets these as "grip first" (G-1),
"power first" (P-1), "speed first" (S-1), and "catch
first" (C-1).
Nittaku provides relatively detailed information
about the architecture of the rubbers:
The G-1 comes with a 47.5 degree orange sponge,
a "grip-type" topsheet with wide pips and narrow
pip spacing (13 pips per 5 cm in the horizontal
direction and 22 pips per 5 cm in the vertical
direction), and speed and spin ratings of 15.00
and 12.50, respectively.
The P-1 has a lemon-colored 47.5 degree sponge,
a "plastic-ready" topsheet with narrow pips and
intermediate pip separation (13 pips per 5 cm in
the horizontal direction and 21 pips per 5 cm in
the vertical direction), and speed and spin ratings
of 15.50 and 12.25, respectively.
The S-1 has a cream-colored 45 degree sponge, a
"speed-type" topsheet that features narrow pips
and widely separated pips (11 pips per 5 cm in the
horizontal direction and 19 pips per 5 cm in the
vertical direction), and speed and spin ratings of
15.50 and 11.75, respectively.
The C-1 has a cream-colored 45 degree sponge
similar to S-1 and a "catch-grip" type topsheet with
wide pips and narrow pip separation similar to G-1
(13 pips per 5 cm in the horizontal direction and
22 pips per 5 cm in the vertical direction), and
speed and spin ratings of 15.25 and 12.25,

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